People, changing one’s website is way harder than competent people would have you believe.
Wait, what?
Here’s where I am:
1) Changing the presentation of Pretty All True so that it works more as an author website and less as a personal blog (although there will still be a blog component … trust me).
2) Changing some of the descriptions and keywords in the Amazon material associated with Hope Lies in Less in hopes of attracting a few new purchasers/readers (with thanks to Rod for the kick in the ass).
3) Related to #2 … dedicating myself to being a pain in the ass and poking at people I know have read Hope Lies in Less in hopes of moving those readers to post a short review on Amazon. The goal is to reach 50 reviews by January 1st, 2016 … I currently have 30. Looking at you, Debby and Axel and Susan and David and Taylor and Issa and Gary. Yes, that’s right … I’m calling you out. Love you.
4) Related to #3 … I am giving away eight copies of Hope Lies in Less … to non-readers of Pretty All True. Do you know someone I don’t know who you think would enjoy my writing? YAY! I will be in touch with the first eight commenters on this post (or more if it turns out people comment but then cannot imagine anyone they know who would enjoy my words). And yes, this does mean that I trust that you will not just give me your own personal address … I am looking for NEW readers. Limited to the continental United States … Sorry, Alaska and Hawaii.
5) Working on final proofing of that thing I scribble-hinted at the other day. It should be available for pre-order next Tuesday (October 5th) as I bring the new website live.
6) Will be reaching out to a few of you … looking for people to commit to reading and reviewing this new thing of mine in the weeks before it is published.
6) The new thing? Its name is Fightball: Dying of Suck, and it … is … awesome.
(All eight copies are spoken for … thank you, everyone!)
Hee hee … should probably amend #4 to allow for the possibility that no one comments.
I will comment! I already have like 6 copies of your book though… Sigh.
You make me laugh so hard. Thank you for that.
She loves me, unlike someone else I know
You’re alright.
3) WHEW I already did it!!!
4) Let me think on that one, I bet I do have a few. Kristen Mae, Michelle Matthews, Emily Ballard
1 & 2) I suck at techno-stuffs. I hope you find the groove soon :)
Email the name and address of ONE of your friends, and I will get that off in the mail in the next day or so.
Email at
As for all the rest of your points?
Done and Done!!
I am so excited.
Yes and Yes!
I like you.
I didn’t mean you don’t love me- but thanks for that, I meant my art teacher doesn’t like someone whose name starts with an “m” and ends with an” aj”
Your sister loves you, in her way.
Her way just happens to be a little … crabby.
At times.
You still aren’t getting it right m. I mean my art teacher doesn’t like Maj
Geez. I misread. That was quite a slip.
Don’t tell Maj.
The subtlety doesn’t work with you apparently.
Sigh. Now go back to paying attention to the one who loves you.
Later, babe.
Dying. Actually dying, here. I feel like that was a little bonus side-post!
Hee hee. Seriously … who needs to write anything at all? I’ll just chat with Kallan every day here on the blog.
She is awesome.
OH … and email me the name and address of someone you think would enjoy Hope Lies in Less!
Yay! Just sent you the info! I know the perfect person for it. Thank you!
Yay right back at you!
I would nominate a close friend of mine who is recently married, going thru a hard time and then lost her job for a copy of your book for sure!!
Email me the name and address of your friend at, and I will get that into the mail in the next day or so.
Oh yay!! I got all worried when I saw there was 22 comments and thought it would be too late to get my mom a copy of the book! But bonus conversation with you and Kallan was much loved.
I read my copy, loved it, and wrote the review. Email being sent, and can’t wait for the rest of it!!
And also? I may have had a heated exchange or two with my own art teacher in high school. I blame it on her LSD flashbacks, but maybe it was just artistic differences. Either way, Maj is not alone in art teacher troubles.
Maj enjoys art classes, but ummm … yeah … in this case, there was a clash of styles.
Let’s go with that.
I’ll check my email in a moment … if you haven;t already done so, send me your mom’s name and address. I would LOVE to send her a copy.
As for the comments? I’ve been in flux lately … no surprise Kallan is my biggest supporter today. Hee hee.
You big fat writing tornado of a woman. Carry on.
Silly man.
Thank you.
WTF??? Go away for a bit and look what happens!! Holy Cow!! Congratulations on all of this! Why I’ve been away is because my lovely bride passed away and I haven’t been dealing so well. Off to your website first thing tomorrow and buying your book!!!
I have no words adequate.
I will say simply that I am so happy to see you here again.
Thank you for coming back, Debbie.
Are there still copies available? I know my Mom would love your writing, and she has a ton of time to read right now while she’s rehabbing a broken wrist. (I’ve dramatically read your posts aloud to her before and induced giggle fits. She’s just not an “internet” person…she’s not even on Facebook. Online holiday shopping is the extent of her skills/desire to use our home computer.)
One thing, though … Hope Lies in Less is a collection of short fiction … dark and not at all humorous. Is that something your mother would enjoy? Because I totally understand if she is looking for laughter in this moment.
If you are interested in the book, drop me an email with your mother’s name and address, and I will get that in the mail asap.
Hmm, good point. Better pass this time. I doubt she’s up for darkness unless it’s tinged with humor. (Currently she’s enjoying the fact that the compression glove the doctor gave her to keep the swelling down makes her arm look like it belongs to C-3PO. Just in time for Halloween!)
Sent you a few DMs on Twitter.
#3. Love ya. I’ll get on Debs about that.
You guys are the only ones who made a trip to see me and get a signed copy.
I love you guys.
Pester pester pester.
Okay don’t hate me, but I have yet to read it. I suck. I know. Life has been really hard lately (custody battle/depression/finances) and I have the attention span of a gnat. I promise to read it soon. You can beat me over the head if I haven’t read it by the end of the month.
Geez, could I be any more of an asshole?
Your attention span may be gnattish, but apparently my memory is shot to hell. I could have sworn I spoke to you briefly along the way somewhere here in the internet about your reading. I AM BEYOND SORRY. I thought about deleting your comment and removing your name from the post, but no … I fucked up and I will own it.
Any chance you want to be a reader for this latest effort of mine? It’s funny … requires less of an attention-span … might be more what you need in this moment.
Let me know.
I hate when I’m an asshole.
Oh noooooo. No worries. Truly. You’re not an asshole. Promise. Just know that I look at it sitting all lovely on my kindle and I haven’t actually managed to read a single book this year. I start and stop everything, so I’ve been waiting on yours. Because I’ve been here reading your words for so long, it’s like I want to give it the energy I know it will deserve. And while that sounds like BS and possible brown nosing, it is the truth. :)
It totally made me laugh being called out. So please leave it. And reading something funny would be great. I’d be honored to read it. Reading Kallan in the comments cracked me up as well.
Thank you.
You are lovely to be so understanding.
You must have confused me with David Cassidy or David Hasselhoff — I don’t read anymore, I just powerwash my house and cut brush…
Wait, I can get David Cassidy to come powerwash my house?
That’s what you said, right?