Alright, then.
It’s a new day here on Pretty All True. Rather than direct your attention to the individual differences, I will simply say that I needed a change to move forward … something cleaner and more flexible and better able to support the offering of my words. Take a look around and see what you think.
Personally, I LOVE it.
As with any big change, there will be issues I need to resolve as I go along. It is impossible to catch everything and anticipate everything in advance of actually implementing the new website. I will do my best to address issues as they are revealed. In the meantime, thank you for your patience.
That said, I would like to direct your attention to one thing in particular:
Fightball: Dying of Suck is the exaggerated and hyperbolic and mildly fictionalized story of Maj and Kallan in the months after our move to Oregon. People, it … is … HILARIOUS. I promise.
Fightball:Dying of Suck is the first installment in the Fightball series.
Click any one of these links to Fightball: Dying of Suck to be directed to another page on Pretty All True that contains more information about the book.
Both Maj and Kallan have read Fightball: Dying of Suck, and they both love it.
If you have been with me since the beginning, know that although some of the stories in Fightball:Dying of Suck will seem familiar, nothing is exactly as it was, and the book stands on its own.
It damn well does.
Fightball: Dying of Suck is available for pre-order (Kindle version only) TODAY. Pre-orders will be fulfilled on Tuesday, November 3, the same day the print version will also be made available for purchase.
I am so excited about this book.
Thank you for being here.
Welcome to the rest of what comes next.
I’m just going to go ahead and comment here …
No, that’s all.
Just YAY!
This is so exceptionally awesome. The website but, more importantly, THE BOOK.
Loving it. Yay you!
Awww … thank you, bossy man who cannot believe I refuse to heed his advice.
Much appreciated.
Oh yes. Just take my money NOW! I so want to read this. Should be a hoot and a half. Well done Kris
Thank you!
Thank you very much.
Now about that money.
I just gave it to you. Or to Amazon anyway. Patiently waiting here. Right, patiently. Uh huh. Yup
Patience is a virtue, I have heard people who are not me say.
I’m a Cubs fan. We are experienced at waiting. And waiting. And waiting. I have firm hope for the Cubs. But now I KNOW your book will be in my kindle by the end of the World Series. The Cubs? Great hope.
Are you from Chicago?
Did I know this? I love Chicago. The Cubs, though?
I am mocking you.
I have read the advance copy. Hang on to your hats and enjoy. every. single. word. of. Suck.
This …
Hang on to your hats and enjoy. every. single. word. of. Suck.
I adore you.
I love it! I love the new site and I LOVE that I have a book to look forward to!
I am quite pleased with the site, which is good, because I am never changing it again.
Love the site…loving the book! But that goes without saying. But I will say it and no one can stop me.
Way to go, Kris. Stunning. And for self-published books? I gotta say, the books not only read well, but they don’t make my little proofreading mind want to ‘splode. Fantastic job, on both the creative and technical front, yet again.
Could I say “but” one more time? I feel like I didn’t work it into my first comment well enough. Yeesh.
But …
I love your buts.
Hee hee.
Ahh … but there ARE a couple of errors in the version you have as an advance copy.
I know because someone else caught them for me.
Which makes my final proofing job a little bit easier.
Thank you for the LOVE!
Just so you know…after the bit with the slugs, I’m no longer allowed to read this book in bed while my crabby husband slumbers.
OMG OMG OMG a new booooookkkkkk!!!! And a new website!!!! I pre-ordered and perused and I just love it all. Congratulations Kris!!!!
Is there anything I like better than unbridled enthusiasm?
Hmm … let me think.
No, there is not.
A new book AND a hot damn new website??????
Are you the most awesomely annoying butthead of an author, ever?????
Yes. Yes, you are.
Congrats, you big ‘ol butthead of awesomeness!
Awww … thank you, Dave Barry.
That means the world to me.
I’m so giddy I got to read early. I giggled a lot. Laughed out loud a lot. And will be heading to write a review soon.
Pretty new website. I need to explore so I can find my way around.
I am so happy for you!
Thank you, Renee … you have been a tireless supporter of mine for years.
I am so pleased you are loving the book.
Wow, I go on strike and come back to an awesomely exploded PrettyAllTrue?
K. I’ll just be over here taking a look around then.
And congrats!
Wait …
Why were you on strike?