I am so proud of me.
Wait, that’s not where I was going … hold on …
Thank you to everyone who has thus far bought a copy of Fightball: Dying of Suck!
Yes, that’s the ticket.
And a HUGE thank you to those of you who have already read the book and left reviews! THE REVIEWS ARE AMAZING AND I KEEP GOING BACK TO READ THEM BECAUSE THEY MAKE ME SMILE. So awesome. Read them here.
Thank you to my early reviewers: Melissa and Stephanie and Christina and Jan and Sebastian and Renee and Tammy and Sarah and Cathy and Bill and Rod and Amy and Robin and the other Stephanie and one lone anonymous poster who goes by “Amazon reviewer.”
I love you all.
If you haven’t yet purchased your copy of Fightball, do that!
And if you have, read FIGHTBALL!
And when you’re done reading, review FIGHTBALL!
So you know … most of the reviews so far are from advance readers, so you mustn’t feel rushed.
Just make a note.
I know … I’m a pain in the ass, but honestly, the only way this whole self-publishing thing works is if my early readers (THAT WOULD BE YOU) take the time to post reviews.
Thank you, people.
Oh, also … to test my ability to properly make use of Smashwords and its coupon generator, the first ten commenters on this post will get a code to download a free e-copy of Fightball. Yes, I know my first ten commenters are likely to be people who have already purchased the book. Think friends and family, people.
Yes that is too a thing people say.
I haven’t had time to read/comment much – so here I am!
Hee hee. I buried the lead intentionally … I wondered how many people would continue to the bottom of the post.
You are #1.
I’ll get things organized once I have all ten.
Thank you!
I love your writing and this blog so much. I very rarely comment anywhere, so you should feel special. Also, I’m buying Fightball even if you give me a free copy, because laughter is the best medicine, and lots of people in my world should be medicated!
You are #2!
How about you buy a copy and pass this one along to a friend? Hee hee. Your call, silly one. Thank you for commenting!
I’ll be in touch once I have 10 commenters.
Commenting!! Do I get a copy?!!!!!
You are indeed lucky #3!
I will be in touch once I collect all ten!
Am I #4? Haha, I know the perfect person who would love this! I’m half way through fightball! So much funny!!!
You are #4!
I’ve only ever commented once, but I love your writing. Will be purchasing both this weekend, when I finally get to sit down at home :-)
And you are #5, your planned purchases aside.
And thank you.
I’m pushing the hell out of this book. Seriously, I have read it once all the way through and when I need to clear my head from my work or coursework — I’m reading it again.
It should be required reading.
I adore you.
You are so lovely … and also, you are #6!
I have read your blog for years and never commented. I think you are hilarious and brilliant!
Thank you! I am pleased to inform you that you are #7!
Just so you can reach 10 and I can be on a list somewhere.
Oh, I’ll reach ten. I won’t count you for now (unless you want me to).
I’ll reach ten.
Can’t wait to read it, I love your posts!
And you are #8!
Thank you so much Kris!
Awww. You are very welcome.
Love the book.
Suggest you send the coupon to the Pope.
He needs to laugh a little.
He would, too.
You have an email address for the Pope?
Which, to anyone counting along, means there are still two spots left.
Would love to read this book! I’ve been following your blog for a good while now, your stories make me smile and those girls are just crazy sometimes =)
Yes! You are #9.
Thank you, Heather!
Thank you as well, I CANT wait to read it!
In the process of organizing.
Hold on …
Waited to comment because of course I already have it. I also posted about it to a big Facebook group I’m on, hopefully I got you a sale or two. It’s awesome!
YAY! Thank you so much! You are awesome to pass word and love along.
Thank you, Beth!
Your stories about Maj and Kallan are my absolute favourite, and keep me coming back again and again to see if there have been any new escapades!! I would love to read your new book :-)
YES! A bona fide #10!
YAY! Thank you, Marsha!
I will be in touch shortly … let me just get a few ducks lined up.
Yayy! Thank you so much, you’ve made my otherwise kind of shitty day. And I will absolutely leave an Amazon review.
Yes! Ahem … I mean thank you.
Enjoy! Also check your email.
I was just waiting until I wouldn’t be in the top ten anymore, since I’ve already got mine.
I’m a sneak.
Sneaky is a good thing sometimes.
Wait, what?
My copy came today. Now I am torn. Do I binge read it? Do I read it a chapter at a time, to stretch it out? Do I take it on the plane to Portugal with me tonight, or leave it here to console me when I have to come back? I did do a brief taste test, and it seems ideally sweet and sour.
Ideally sweet and sour?
That’s perfect.
Looking at menhirs, marionettes and tiles. Eating all kinds of black boar. Listening to fado. Even swimming in the ocean north of Lisbon. Because my husband really needed a vacation.
What’s a menhir?