I am so proud of me.
Wait, that’s not where I was going … hold on …
Thank you to everyone who has thus far bought a copy of Fightball: Dying of Suck!
Yes, that’s the ticket.
And a HUGE thank you to those of you who have already read the book and left reviews! THE REVIEWS ARE AMAZING AND I KEEP GOING BACK TO READ THEM BECAUSE THEY MAKE ME SMILE. So awesome. Read them here.
Thank you to my early reviewers: Melissa and Stephanie and Christina and Jan and Sebastian and Renee and Tammy and Sarah and Cathy and Bill and Rod and Amy and Robin and the other Stephanie and one lone anonymous poster who goes by “Amazon reviewer.”
I love you all.
If you haven’t yet purchased your copy of Fightball, do that!
And if you have, read FIGHTBALL!
And when you’re done reading, review FIGHTBALL!
So you know … most of the reviews so far are from advance readers, so you mustn’t feel rushed.
Just make a note.
I know … I’m a pain in the ass, but honestly, the only way this whole self-publishing thing works is if my early readers (THAT WOULD BE YOU) take the time to post reviews.
Thank you, people.
Oh, also … to test my ability to properly make use of Smashwords and its coupon generator, the first ten commenters on this post will get a code to download a free e-copy of Fightball. Yes, I know my first ten commenters are likely to be people who have already purchased the book. Think friends and family, people.
Yes that is too a thing people say.
Damn! I missed it! LOL Dang birthdays and basketball games keep me too busy.
Oh well. I shall wait patiently for the print version so I can hold it in my hands. My preeeesssshhhuuussss…LOL
Love you.
That is all.