Several things to tell you today …
First, THANK YOU to those of you who donated to the Oregon Food Bank. Several of you made contributions without identifying yourselves, and several others of you made donations apart from the page to which I directed you, and so instead of listing people here, I will just announce that I will be spending my afternoon wrapping and ribboning 20 copies of Fightball: Dying of Suck to hand out to strangers. YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME. Thank you.
Second, Fightball: Dying of Suck has been included in an amazing list of Christmas-gift book suggestions from Patti of Insane in The Mom Brain fame. Click through the images of the book covers and do some shopping … David Thorne, people — come on … and then when you get to my book, pause a moment to leave a comment or perhaps just smile, like I do when I visit the list for the 20th time because sanity.
Third, there are now 42 reviews of Fightball: Dying of Suck, including a review Mark says is extra meaningful because, he says, it comes “from someone who doesn’t even like you.” Wait … what?
These reviews are from …
Jim, who refers to Fightball as “an absolute classic.”
Cap0421 (why do people insist on having robot names?), who went for perfection in brevity, saying simply “Awesome book.”
Alexandra, who may be better known to you as The Empress from Good Day, Regular People, who said “Everyone who has unsuccessfully tried to figure out the world and the rules in it, only to finally one day decide to embrace the suck, all of it, will ADORE FIGHTBALL.”
And last but not least … a review from Oib Osborne (Oib?), who said that Fightball is “hysterically perfect.”
Five stars, all of them.
I know there may/will come a day when someone posts a scathing review, because the internet generally comes with a dose of scathing, but for the moment … every single one of the Fightball reviews is a five-star review.
Which makes me smile when I go to visit them for the 7000th time because sanity.
I have mentioned several times that I will return to offering posts here that are not merely marketing efforts on Fightball’s behalf when I have collected 50 reviews on Amazon.
Eight more reviews, people. YOU CAN DO THIS.
I am off to wrap things up.
Books, people … books.
I’m here.
OH! One more thing! Renee of Random Rants, who posted an amazing review of Fightball on her blog the other day, will be choosing three winners from amongst the commenters on that post on SUNDAY, December 13th. Which means you still have time to comment and win a print copy of Fightball!
Now you only need 7!
YAY! Thank you, Sarah!
Not that I am going to stop trying to accumulate reviews once I hit 50, you understand. It just marks the beginning of the next part of what there is.
I tried to leave a review on Amazon, but because I didn’t buy the book there, the suck wads wouldn’t let me post. So, here’s mine. Do not drink or eat while reading as you will kill yourself choking when you are giggling, snorting and guffawing. Be sure and take a pee break first, or if you have a weak bladder–get a package of Depends! Laughter is good for the soul, so this book is a blessing for sure!
Wait … I think Bill told me of your issue, and I used the review he sent me from you as an editorial review on Amazon. Which means it doesn’t count in the totals, but it appears nonetheless under the book’s general information. Go see! I pretended you were from a publication I referred to as “Off the Grid.” Hee hee.
Also, so you know … there is no requirement that your review be of an item you purchased, BUT Amazon will not allow you to post ANY reviews unless it’s from an account that has made at least one purchase from Amazon.
Hence “Off the Grid.”
Love you.
So closer!
Enjoy the wrappage and giftening.
So much.
What if I posted eight more reviews under aliases?
I’m pretty sure I’ve read this book at least eight times.
Also, Taj.
Hee hee … Taj.
Fightball is currently holding 44 reviews on Amazon, with one rogue review sitting out there on the Australian site all by itself for no reason I can fathom. So as far as I can claim to anyone not from Australia who asks, there are 44 reviews.
Love you.