Did you miss yesterday’s post? Hackles-up love … go read!
There are now 52 reviews of Fightball: Dying of Suck live on Amazon. So damn awesome. Thank you. I will be returning to posting regularly here on Pretty All True, but that does not mean I don’t need your reviews. I NEED YOUR REVIEWS. So if you have Fightball and you have read Fightball, please do me the favor of heading over to Amazon and writing a few words. It would mean the world to me.
The latest reviews are from …
Ellen, who said … I didn’t want it to end!
Katie, who said … Induces raucous laughter. Fightball: Dying of Suck is one of the funniest books I have read in ages.
Oonagirl28, who said Fightball is … a hilarious read like no other!
And Marsha, who says … At last! A whole volume of nothing but Maj & Kallan!
Five stars, all of them.
In other awesome news, Fightball: Dying of Suck is now being offered by a Lake Oswego gift boutique called Lucky Me. Lucky Me offers an assortment of gifts and awesomeness that ranges from the ridiculous to the sublime, and my book fits right in, as it is sublimely ridiculous. Thank you so much to Marie LeRud, the owner of Lucky Me … for everything.
I know most of you aren’t local. Are any of you local? I’m still yelling about this news here, because this is the first real-life business to carry Fightball, and it is a big deal to me.
Oh, and also? I plan on posting an actual story in a bit. That link will go HERE … WahHOOL for the underwin!
me (who is lucky indeed)
I am so happy for the brick and mortar sellage! It all giddy-fying.
Awww … how awesome are you?
Apologies for the delay in response — there was a slight knife mishap and also a changeover to a new laptop (as the old one was failing), which meant I had little access these last few days.
I’m back!