There are three new Fightball reviews to report!
Nancy, who said … “This author is delightful!”
Aubrey, who said … “Maj can make me laugh no matter what else has got me down!”
And finally, there is Claire, who had to work extra-hard to get her review to show up with the others, as Australia likes to keep their reviews in a separate internet box, apparently. Claire said … “Loved every second of [Fightball] – absolutely hilarious, and totally real.”
Thank you to these three AWESOME readers for their reviews!
Five stars, all of them.
Which makes 48.
Two shy of my return to normal blogging duties around here.
Have I mentioned yet that I am a stubborn person? Totally am. I will see you at 50.
In the meantime, I direct you once again to this AMAZING review and giveaway over at Julie Gardner’s house.
Comments are still open and winning is still possible!
Look. You two holdouts. We are coming to your houses. With wine and torches if you don’t get those Amazon reviews in…
So … much … giggling.
C’mon people, some of us are trapped at home with our own crazy children and we’d like new blog posts to help us maintain a small sliver of sanity. If you haven’t read the book and left a review yet, you’re personally preventing us from being further entertained! You CAN make a difference! Think of the children.
I do so like when the villagers rise up and threaten violence.
There are 49 reviews now. I may have to write a post for tomorrow. Never know.
I love you, Sarah.
Thank you.
I’m totally adding Stubbornity to my 2016 lexicon.
Making up words that SHOULD exist is my favorite.
My daughters have a long and glorious history of made-up words.
“Satanicity” is one of my favorites.
Words are flexible enough to be created out of the rubber of intent.
That totally made sense.
Yes it did.
*crawls out from under a pile of wrapping paper and ribbon with tape stuck to my forehead*
*deep breath*
Alright, #50, get with it. I’m diving back in but I will be surfacing tomorrow to see if you’ve posted yet and you *better* have been there.
*holds breath, grabs wrapping paper tube baton to beat the children back with, and dives back in*
I think we may have to give #50 the weekend.
On Monday, I will hunt down #50 and cattle-prod him or her until he or she sees stars.
Also? That is my favorite comment left in quite a while.
I should just copy and paste your comment into a post.
Yay!!! 51!!!
52 as of this moment.