an origami sky
hems fragilities
amongst the points
choose a color
prompted paper birds
mouth hunger
into tender meaning
choose a number
the flash of wings
against confinement
choose a color
remembered witness
fingers flash
total the character
of fading proof
choose a number
future triangulated
reduced to an eighth
of possibilities
Someone asked me the other day if I was on a word diet, and the answer is no …
When I have something other than poetry to offer, those words will be here.
For now, I have poetry.
With which I am very pleased.
I remember those little folded games. They always promised so much more than has been delivered.
And so much less.
I got a fortune in a cookie the other day that said simply, “Your future arrives.”
Yes, that is a very good choice.
I like the poetry. It prompts my head with random visions, much like dreams. Little bits of whole to build into something new.
I like the poetry as well … even if, in the end, the only one it serves is me.
I choose me.
Thank you, Renee.
I played that game incessantly until the folds disintegrated, flapping and changing repeatedly.
Holding the future.
Then creating another one.
Isn’t that all we ever do … all of the days we have … always?
Yes. Can that not be?
Love your poetry.
(Rhyme not originally intended…)
Thank you … for the rhyme and the intention.
I simply cannot get away from birds…
I think I lost my soul somewhere in the folds of choices never made.
Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve’s haunt me daily, and the colors are as vivid as they ever were…
I know they sell specially treated pages these days that offer a similar experience, but when I was a kid, I used to draw these intricate colorful crayoned patterns across an entire sheet of paper and then, with as much pressure as I could muster, I would darken over the entire page with black.
Until nothing could be seen but a rectangle of absolute.
And then I would scratch small lines from the black, peeling back the nothing to reveal the colors beneath.
So very vivid, those colors once hidden and then revealed appeared to me.
And that …
is where your comment took me.
Thank you.